RESIDENTS who have had enough of vandalism at nearby Bold Venture Park have formed their own action group to try to stop it.

At its second meeting last week the Bold Venture Supporters Group drew up an action plan and elected a chairman.

The group is to work with Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council and parks community development officer Allison Porter was on hand to offer residents advice.

She said the aim of such groups was to work in partnership with the borough and be "the eyes and ears on the ground."

Residents voiced concerns about security and maintenance and said they would like to see the introduction of park keepers.

A Belgrave Road resident said: "We have a major problem with hooligans and youths hang around until 1am, 2am and 3am."

And neighbour Lorraine Julien said: "We moved here recently and thought it was a lovely area near the park but have been horrified by what goes on in the evenings."

Mrs Eileen Helliwell said: "It's not local children who cause the trouble. Years ago we used to have a regular team in the park and they looked after the general welfare of it and that's what we need now.

"We want someone who loves the park enough to make it a full time job."

Head of outdoor amenities at the council Tom Wilson said: "We are trying to improve the basic CCTV facilities in the park."

He added that increased security at other venues in the town such as at school grounds possibly made youngsters gravitate towards Bold Venture Park.

He said: "It's a big problem, we are all here trying to deal with anti-social behaviour and need to pro-actively harness some of young people's frustration."

Councillor Dave Smith, of Sunnyhurst Ward, said: "There's more to it than meets the eye -- 50 or 60 kids are coming to the park."

And fellow ward councillor Dave Hollings said: "We will ask the police to come along to the next meeting."

Mr Wilson said: "There are a variety of reasons why young people meet -- drug dealing being one of them. But this is not the only place where these things take place."

He told the group: "We need you if we are to tackle some of these issues. It might be a slow, painful and frustrating process but all of us here tonight have one issue in mind -- the park and its future."

Pam Simon, a member of the Corporation Parks Supporters Group in Blackburn, told residents how their group had been formed and how successful it had been in deterring vandals -- it was now eligible for a grant to improve the park even further.

And Coun Smith said the Friends of Sunnyhurst Woods started off just like the Bold Venture Park Supporters Group and it was now very successful and had 30 to 40 members.

Members agreed to arrange a leaflet drop and deliver 1,000 leaflets in the area to tell residents about the group and its aims.

The next meeting will be on November 8 at 7.30pm at Holy Trinity School at Bank Top, all are welcome to attend.