AN American singer-songwriter has conquered his nerves to fly across the Atlantic to perform at two East Lancashire venues.

Contemporary folk musician Hunter Moore, 47, is believed to be the first American artist to appear in Lancashire since the September 11 atrocities.

Hunter will be appearing at the Rhythm Station in Rawtenstall on Monday. Doors open at 7.30pm and admission is £3 on the door.

On Tuesday he will be at Jim's Acoustic Cafe in New Market Street, Colne. Doors open at 7.30pm and admission is £5 -- tickets are available on the door or in advance by telephoning 01282 866317.

Hunter, who comes from Missouri, started in Nashville writing music for mainstream country artists, including Ricky Scaggs.

He later became a contemporary folk singer-songwriter, releasing his first album in 1992.

He first visited Britain as a tourist in 1990 but has never visited or performed in Lancashire before.

Hunter said he had not flown since the terrorist aircraft suicide strikes in New York and Washington last month. "There is a feeling of vulnerability and you are going to be nervous.

"But I think it is important to fulfil your obligations and also say thank you for Britain's support to the US at this time."