A PLANNED firewalk by a burns victim was cancelled for the fourth time after volunteers lost their nerves.

Kelvin Golden, who had hoped to walk across 20ft of smouldering wood embers to raise money for the East Lancashire Deaf Society, now has to wait to see if the event can be rescheduled.

It was the fourth time the 24-year-old, who was badly burned as a child after falling into a bath of scalding water, has tried to do a firewalk. And each time his plans have been scuppered.

Kelvin, of Kingsmead, Blackburn, said: "I'm fed up, this is the fourth time I've tried to do it. The first time it was rescheduled and I was on holiday and a rescheduled event for me fell through.

"I was going to do it in Warrington in November, but it was cancelled because of the floods. My family was looking forward to it as well. It's quite disappointing because my dad brought us down in his limousine and my little sister Kaley-Dawn was looking forward to seeing me do it.

"I just hope it's fifth time lucky -- at least it will give me a chance to get some more sponsors."

Kelvin, who works at M & G Plastics at Darwen, had already raised nearly £300 in sponsorship from colleagues, friends and family.

The event, due to be held at Blackburn Rugby Club, on Saturday night, was called off after only a handful of people had turned up -- despite pledging themselves to the walk. The wood reaches temperatures of 1,236 degrees Fahrenheit and special motivational seminars are given beforehand to help the volunteers complete the event unharmed.

Fund-raiser for the Deaf Society Donna Williams, said: "At the end of the day, the majority of walkers realised at the last minute that walking hot coals was a challenge they couldn't fulfill. Out of 28 people who agreed to do the fire walk, only 10 were prepared to do it.

"We will reschedule, but only apply if you've got the guts and the bottle and are totally committed to taking part.

"We have held the event before and generally it is really good, the best one was at Witton Park in the summer."

Anyone interested should contact Donna at the Deaf Society on 01254 52620.