THE Lifelong Learning team's Family Learning strategy in Blackburn with Darwen is a revolutionary policy.

It is aimed at introducing motivation for learning and developing skills for personal and professional benefit through a focus on the family and home.

It is the strategic aim of Family Learning to provide adults with opportunities and motivation for learning through the everyday experiences of their children and subsequently enhance the learning experiences of children and their achievements.

Last weekend saw the three-day National Family Learning Weekend, co-ordinated by the Campaign of Learning.

The objective of the weekend was to raise the awareness of the vital role that the family plays in learning and to create more opportunities for the family to learn together.

However, Blackburn with Darwen Council's Lifelong Learning team ran Family Learning events and activities for three weeks beforehand.

This is a sign of the commitment of the Education and Lifelong Learning Department towards Family Learning as an integral part of regenerating, supporting and providing excellent opportunities for the community.

Blackburn with Darwen's Family Learning Campaign was launched last month at Beardwood High School, with more than 40 learning activities and 900 people present.

Over the next few days similar Family Learning events, family quiz nights and family fun days took place at several primary and secondary schools, community centres, access points, libraries and social venues.