LOCAL disabled people can harness a new service aimed at finding them the right job.

The initiative is being pioneered by Remploy, one of the UK's largest employers of disabled people, which has a large factory in Eton Hill Road, Radcliffe.

As an accredited job broker under the Government's New Deal for disabled people, Remploy's Interwork division is offering a programme of guidance and practical support.

This is aimed at disabled people on incapacity benefits to help them into employment.

Disabled job seekers who register will be assigned an employment development co-ordinator who will work closely with each client.

Their skills, abilities, interests and aspirations will be profiled and it is hoped these could be matched to the requirements of a wide range of local employers with whom Remploy has regular contact.

Local disabled job seekers can phone 0845 845 2244 for more information.