I HAVE written before about the nauseous Jeffrey Archer and make no apologies for writing again.

When the Walter Mitty of Westminster was finally sent to jail I thought that justice would be dealt out fairly and equally. It has not been!

It was obvious from the beginning that he would be no ordinary prisoner. He was reportedly met with a handshake from the governor then given a cushy job that other criminals would have to wait years for.

But the cherry on the bun is the news that he is to be moved to an open prison where, it is said, he will have digital TV, computers and other comforts, the ultimate insult to the country's unemployed and pensioners who could never afford such luxuries.

The whole episode leaves a bad taste in the mouth and is a scar on what Tony Blair describes as our "classless society". Archer is corrupt and a proven liar yet his greasy palm seems to be for ever an influence, even on British justice!


Pear Avenue, Bury.