LUX soap flakes, the detergent that revolutionised the laundry, is to be confined to the wash tub of history.

The product is to cease production at the end of the year after 101 years, but thankfully, no jobs will be lost at the Warrington plant.

Lux changed washing for ever when it was launched. Until then, the hard-done Victorian women had to use blocks of hard soap. The invention of turning them into soft flakes made it a roaring success at home and abroad.

By 1910, sales in Britain had reached the million mark and even by the mid 60s, the product dominated 90 per cent of the soapflake market.

By 2000, sales fell dramatically as housewives opted for the more sophisticated liquids, tablets and powders.

I always used the product to do my hand-wash woolies, but it's a sad fact that that was in the past. No wonder the company's Lux run out if everyone is like me!

No doubt there'll now be a late rush from memorabilia collectors for the last packets on the shelves. Save me one!