HOSPITALS across East Lancashire are some of the cleanest in the country, according to a new survey.

All the area's hospitals scored a green light in the latest round of spot-checks on cleanliness, organised by the Department of Health.

They were carried out by the Patient Environment Action Teams, who are volunteers from the NHS and patient groups.

Calderstones Hospital in Whalley scored an amber light in the last round of inspections in April this year, but this has now improved to green.

All the others, including the area's acute hospitals, Blackburn Royal Infirmary, Queen's Park Hospital and Burnley General Hospital, achieved a green light for the second time.

Rossendale Hospital and Pendle Community Hospital, which come under the Burnley NHS trust and Clith- eroe Community Hospital and Accrington Victoria Hospital, which come under the Communicare NHS trust, were also given green lights.

Health Secretary Alan Milburn launched the scheme last year as part of a £60 million clean-up campaign, which will include thousands of pounds to be spent on redecorating wards and tackling litter problems.

The hospitals are among 307 given green lights by inspectors across the country. None were given red lights this time, although 380 were given yellow.

East Lancashire Health Authority chairman Kath Reade said: "We are delighted and proud at the success achieved by all our hospitals in attaining the green coding, which means excellence for cleanliness.

"This is due to the hard work and dedication of all our staff who have worked very hard to achieve this and this work will continue."