I WAS interested by your article about the security upgrade at the Adam off licence in Darwen (LET, November 9), and the internet response.

As a resident of the area I was particularly interested and then incensed when I was burgled the previous Tuesday at 2am. Five youths smashed the lobby door but were disturbed -- the police took details and made reassuring noises.

Over the last three years, I've had my car attacked four times -- three reported. About four months ago, four of my neighbours had wing mirrors kicked off their cars and mine was too.

I couldn't be bothered to report it. When I asked my neighbours if they had they said 'no.' Why not? -- because nothing ever gets done.

On our block of terraces alone, we have had three burglaries in the last year that I know of. One was particularly sad where a recently-widowed lady was terrorised and her son had to take her into his own home so she could feel safe.

Are the police to blame? I think not. They do not commit crime. Most of this crime is youth orientated. The youths who attempted to intrude at my house and do heaven knows what were having a thrill.

No longer is door knocking and graffiti sufficient. The stakes have been raised for them to get their sense of rebellion and independence that we all felt at their age. The shame is that the consequences of their actions are far more destructive and hurtful.

I have only one solution -- parents should take responsibility and instil a sense of community. We all should live together in safety and pride of our community.

Name and address received