I SUPPOSE that, thanks to the nice, politically-correct checklist issued to every Lancashire police officer on how to organise their Christmas parties, we can free ourselves of much worry.

"Use inclusive language when writing to colleagues...Consider the content of any acts booked to appear at events in case they are offensive...Consider the dietary requirements of all colleagues."

I mean, would be fretting if we thought our bobbies were leaving someone's gay partner off their invitation lists, booking the Black and White Minstrels as the turns, or forgetting to order some halal and kosher sausage rolls.

What business is it of Lancashire Constabulary how its officers enjoy their off-duty social life, as long as they don't break the law or bring the force into disrepute.

Isn't the business of Lancashire Constabulary that of catching villains? Not tut-tutting at the thought that someone's feelings might be hurt over how a Christmas do is organised?