GIRLS -- whip off your tights in the name of art!

That's the call from a drama club who are desperate to get their hands on 600 pairs of women's tights, stockings or hold-ups.

Organisers of Preston Drama Club's forthcoming pantomime -- Hansel and Gretal -- need the nylons to make an essential prop for the show which is on at the Preston Playhouse, Market Street West, from December 21 to January 5.

Director Chris Canavan, whose actor son Dermot wrote the play, said: "We need about 600 pairs of tights to make sausages which run from one end of the stage to the other!

"Simple Simon is sent off the stage for some sausages and comes back with a very, very long chain that just keep on coming!

"We've already been given some from a firm in Blackburn but they're all black -- although I suppose black puddings will do!

"Ideally the tights should be light coloured and clean. It doesn't matter if they have ladders or darns in them."

With an original script, the show includes a host of popular stage songs including Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better, Hard Knock Life and Whistle Down the Wind.

The cast are all experienced Playhouse performers and youngsters from Debbie Carter's Dance and Drama School make up the chorus.

Tickets to see the show are £5.50 (£5 concessions) with discounts for party bookings. The Playhouse benefits from a loop system, wheelchair access, licensed bar and free parking after 7pm. For bookings e-mail or call 744771 or the box office after 7pm on 252288. Tickets can also be obtained from the Tourist Information shop, Guildhall Arcade, Preston or Garside, Waddingham, Pinder, Fleet Street, Preston.