IN response to Elaine Hutchinson's experience with Scottish bank notes (Letters, November 29), I have lived in Blackburn for nearly 30 years and for the first time recently encountered exactly the same problem.

I had family staying with me from Scotland, and on a visit to the local store my cousin was informed it was 'company policy' not to accept Scottish bank notes, while trying to purchase a DVD film.

We found this difficult to accept and protested. However, the staff stood their ground and informed us there was nothing they could do. On principle, we took our custom elsewhere.

What staggered us was the fact that the company does not have such policies when it comes to accepting English notes in Scotland! My cousin complained to the company on her return to Scotland, as she had been spending her Scottish notes without ado in other Blackburn stores.

I was disgusted to read that in Mrs Hutchinson's case a notice was put on display in the shop by the propietors about the non-acceptance of Scottish notes.

I am a Scot and in my opinionThis is outright discrimination and it has to stop now!

MARI THOMPSON (Mrs), Thorn Hill Close, Chester Park, Blackburn.