A HOPED-for reconciliation fell flat for Tariq Shah when his former girlfriend told him it was all over without giving any explanation.

Blackburn magistrates heard that his deflated ego took a further battering when she drove off without speaking and ran over his foot in the process.

Shah kicked out in frustration damaging the car belonging to Katherine Fletcher. Shah, 31, of Bolton Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to criminal damage. He was given a conditional discharge for six months and ordered to pay £100 compensation and £65 costs.

David Hartley, prosecuting, said Miss Fletcher had been sitting in her car outside her own home when Shah jumped in front of the vehicle and stopped her from leaving. He then tried to force his way in through the window but Miss Fletcher was able to drive off.

"It was made quite clear to him that she did not want to talk to him," said Mr Hartley.

Basharat Ditta, defending, said Miss Fletcher had invited Shah to her house and he had spent the night there.

"The next morning she said it was all over without offering any explanation," said Mr Ditta.

"They went outside and as she drove off, ignoring his pleas to talk, she ran over his foot. It was at that point that he lashed out."