IT is not often that I am able to save the life of an animal but last week I was wandering along a sand dune system and witnessed a very unusual sight.

I heard a couple of very tiny young rabbits squealing and nearby an evil looking stoat was preparing to eat them for breakfast.

The rabbits scurried towards me and cuddled around my boots, almost behaving as if I was their protector.

I was able to pick them up and then walk towards the stoat which then ran away.

Once the stoat had gone I searched for a spot where the rabbits would be at least a little bit safer.

I found a burrow among a patch of marram grass.

I released the kittens (this is the name for young rabbits) into the burrow and they soon disappeared.

I then ate my lunch near the burrow and about an hour later I set off to my car.

I felt quite smug knowing that I had done my good deed for the day.