NURSES, owners of care homes and their staff, and local authority care workers, in the North might like to know that there is an important regional conference in York on February 27 on restraint in care homes for older people.

The timing is particularly apt in view of the fact that the new National Care Standards Commission, which will regulate and inspect standards of care in homes, takes up its responsibilities on April 1.

The conference, titled 'Residents taking risks: minimising the use of restraint' and organised by the charity Counsel and Care, will look at how - in the name of protection and reducing risks - the restriction of freedom and privacy of older people in homes is being influenced by new technology and advances in medicine.

Although some of the time-honoured ways of restraining older people in homes may have all but disappeared, things like CCTV cameras, special security locks, sound devices, and even medicinal means of controlling people's behaviour may be in danger of replacing them.

For information on the conference ring 01904 709706 or contact FAXback 01904 700061.

LES BRIGHT, Deputy Chief Executive, Counsel and Care, 16 Bonny Street, London, NW1 9PG.