EACH week there are numerous letters sent to the editors of our local newspapers, about various subjects, and I read with interest the views and concerns of the writer.

I'd like to address a few of the issues that have been raised recently.

The Lancaster bypass; This has had its fair share of column space, with arguments for and against both the Northern and the Western, in my opinion the most important point in the dispute is the need for another bridge across the river Lune.

Skerton Bridge, built in the 1780s, is crying out for some relief from the constant stream of traffic, especially during the morning rush hour when every other vehicle is an HGV.

How much longer can the bridge take this volume of traffic, surely the problem is going to deteriorate still further if no action is taken -- just imagine if Skerton Bridge went out of commission! Two way traffic over the Greyhound Bridge?

Now this you could call chaos.

Rowdy students in Lancaster; They have caused quite a debate recently; it reminds me of the time when Morecambe accommodated the students not living on campus.

This stopped when the decision was taken to cut travelling expenses, and they all moved to Lancaster leaving us to the fate of the DSS.

The students may be rowdy but they are not violent. Stop complaining Lancaster or send them to Morecambe where we would welcome them with open arms, we'll swap you for our undesirables.

At least rowdy students would make us feel our town was still living.

The granting of permission for an Aldi store on the Arcadian site; contrary to the remarks of the chairman of planning this is a prime site.

Not that long ago the daughter of Frontierland owner Geoffrey Thompson wanted to open it as a theatre, to put on shows in Summer, but the council refused any help, don't they just encourage private enterprises (unless they are a supermarket) I'm not surprised he turned his back on Morecambe.

The council would like the Frontierland site to be used as a location for factory outlet with 54 units, look around, we have so many empty shops in both the Central and West End of Morecambe money would be better spent helping existing businesses by building both areas in their own individual way as two separate shopping centres, the centre left to develop as a huge entertainment park, this has always been an area for recreational activities.

We are having problems in the town with gangs of youths, they are not all bad, the majority are decent kids from decent homes, the problem lies with the lack of anything to do. Could it be the council have let them down?

Victoria Pavilion (Winter Gardens); lastly, the subject nearest to my heart. A few weeks ago somebody wrote a letter asking the 'people who are trying to save the Winter Garden' if they would use it, our answer is... yes!

As regular patrons of The Grand in Lancaster, we take note when we attend shows, that there are always coaches outside the theatre bringing people from Morecambe, often to support our local amateur societies who need to use the theatre because we don't have one.

The 'Friends' where formed in 1986 , our constitution states our objective is to 'preserve for the public benefit the Victoria Pavilion.'

We have worked hard since then to try to do this , and see it re-opened, not for any form of monetary gain, but because we believe that Morecambe will benefit from this indoor venue, somewhere to house festivals (like the Punk festival).

The punk festival has now been lost to Blackpool. We rest our case.

Evelyn Archer

South Grove
