A NUMBER of Runshaw College students are to be the guests of the Metropolitan Police after excelling in a project to improve road safety.

The teenagers are studying the BTEC National Certificate in Early Years at the Leyland-based college.

Amy Walton, Nicola Hargreaves, Zowie Kirk, Jessica Berry, Melissa Calderbank, Wendy Bampton, Jeanette Bonner, Anna Rostron, Rebecca Hindley, Amy Wright and Darren Neville and other colleagues will travel to Westminster to receive the Bowker Road Safety award on Wednesday, December 19 -- and be treated to a guided tour of the capital.

A college spokesperson said: "At Runshaw we take road safety very seriously and try to equip our students with the skills and knowledge to be responsible adults when they start to drive."

Students from the Early Years course have won three awards in the last five years for road safety awareness projects which involved working together with the police and Lancashire County Council.

The spokesperson added: "We are very proud of our students and all the work they put into this."

This year's students held a roadshow to demonstrate their expertise.

They presented resource boxes, containing study aids such as books and CD Roms, which could be used in schools by staff planning to teach road safety to children under seven years.

They also focused on their own age group by producing a display and presentation, including a video. The police, fire service and a paramedic also gave short presentations.

Money raised at the event, through a raffle, tombola and stalls, will be used to help provide equipment for the treatment of children injured in road accidents.