Three friends and myself (aged 45-55) are looking to form a group for single people with a difference, where we can meet people who want to have conversations and enjoy each others company.

The aims of the group are to find like-minded people both females and males (straight) who are genuinely interested in meeting other people and who would like to develop friendship and companionship.

We want to feel comfortable gatting to know each other before embarking into any relationships which may become deeper.

We have tried other avenues to meet people but have found them to be expensive and disapointing and that a lot of people have hidden agendas. We dislike the single disco scene and are not into one night stands or game playing.

We would like to develop better quality friendships than those which one night stands would offer us.

We would like to develop more respectful friendships than ones fraught with game playing, untruths and dishonourable intentions.

At this stage we are proposing to meet in a place which is pleasant and friendly where we can converse with each other without having to shout over music. From this we propose to plan activities which the group would like to do as a whole - days out, meals etc.

If you are genuinely interested in meeting people who are kind, sincere, friendly and honourable then please call 01942 791002.