ENGLAND'S most capped rugby fly-half Rob Edwards sported a different "hat" when he fronted a major business event in Bury.

But despite the fact he no longer plays the game, Rob was still able to pass on vital tips on teamwork and how businesses should harness their key players.

The sports personality was the guest at a corporate event held at the Village Hotel, Heap Bridge, organised by Business Link North Manchester.

Attended by more than 120 businesses, the aim was to help companies in Bury, Rochdale, Bolton, Odham and Wigan to develop their full potential. The event outlined how firms could convert good intentions into hard results.

Anne Cooke, Business Link organisational development manager, told the delegates: "The biggest factor in the success or failure of your business is the quality of your staff.

"The skills, talents and attitudes of your managers and employees are critical to the development of your company."

She told the Bury Times: "We hope that the event helped guests to understand more about how they can use staff training and development to gain higher productivity, greater competitiveness, higher customer satisfaction and improve internal communication."

Rob Andrew is still involved in rugby, although in a business capacity.