THE sale of St Annes Ashton Gardens Institute was rubber-stamped this week, leaving a brave crowd of some 50 protestors out in the cold -- literally.

The supporters of Ashton Gardens turned up at Fylde Council's full meeting on Monday night to show the full force of their campaign against selling off the gardens.

However, it soon became apparent that it was in vain -- as they learned amid confusion that the sale was going ahead and not one councillor had spoken out about their concerns.

Fred Moor, a resident of Sandhurst Avenue, St Annes, was at the meeting and told The Citizen: "What took place was a sham to democracy, an insult to the people who attended, and something that brought shame to a body of councillors entrusted with the honour of serving their community.

"By a piece of procedural sleight of hand, those councillors wishing to raise the matter were denied the opportunity to do so. Clearly there was public interest in the matter, and clearly several members of the council were taken aback when the acting chief executive pronounced that the minutes of the meeting had been approved and no further debate on the matter could be undertaken.

"No-one should take any credit for that disreputable performance which was a true affront to democracy."

Councillors did try to go back to the previous agenda but it was too late. This means that the path is now clear for both Safeways and Newfield Jones Homes to place bids in to purchase the land.

Fylde deputy chief executive Robin Bramhall, asked if the councillors were denied the opportunity to speak, said: "That is not true. The items went through with no query and no comments. No one put forward any amendments regarding the Ashton Institute so there was no debate."

Ashton ward councillor Barbara Pagett said that the battle to save the gardens would continue. She said: "I was very disappointed at what happened. I had no idea that there was a danger of something like that happening. I wasn't very well and took a back seat at the meeting but I was expecting the more experienced councillors to come forward with an amendment.

"I felt as though we had been rail-roaded the way it all went through so quick and it was an insult to the people who turned up."

Supporters of the gardens haven't given up hope and are still mounting a legal campaign against the sale. Donations are still needed and cheques etc. are payable to "Supporters of Ashton Gardens" and should be sent to treasurer Mrs Val Andrews, 10 Chatsworth Road, St Annes.