WITH regard to the letter published in last week's Citizen (Nov 30) from Coun P Catlow, I have one thing to say, "Good luck in the next election!"

As a previous resident of Poulton (I now live in the south of England because of better job opportunities) I feel that the town has changed considerably over the years -- some for the better and some for the worse.

Even though Poulton is a town, the centre itself is very small with numerous establishments for socialising.

Marvellous -- unless you live two doors down and wake up to people being sick or urinating in your front garden and waking the children up.

While Poulton is an enjoyable place to visit we can have nothing but sympathy for residents who are distressed and feel unsafe in their own homes. Such a blinkered approach from the Council with ignorance to obvious cries for help is nothing but unprofessional.

The Citizen is written very objectively for it is not a PR news wire for Wyre Borough Council. If the best that Coun Catlow can do is write such a personalised attacking letter to a local paper, which can be viewed as nothing further than immature, the residents of Poulton indeed should have cause for concern. Listen to the people!

Mrs Ormrod, Surrey Quays, London (former residednt of Long House Lane, Poulton).