NO wonder dry cleaners are being forced to revolutionise their industry,

because of a new breed of stubborn stains.

Grass, blood and beetroot used to be the big enemy, now it's foreign foods like turmeric, sundried tomatoes and olive oil.

Johnsons say there are now 150 common stains that didn't exist 30 years ago.

Hands up how many cooks have a drawer full of tomato or wine-stained T-shirts?

I guarantee every time I go near a pan and I haven't changed into my pre-splashed lounging-about gear, I end up like an orange splattered Blobby.

I find the worst culprit is tomato concentrate, once its ingrained it's there for good.

This week I've also managed to wreck a fleece, two pairs of trousers and a rain top with red cedar fence paint. Oh, the joys of DIY.