HARRY Potter mania might be sweeping the nation on the silver screen but when it comes to toys for Christmas, interactive games and traditional best sellers rule the day in Preston and South Ribble.

With shoppers rushing to stock up on children's presents in time for Christmas morning it seems you can't walk down the street without being smacked in the shins by bags laden with huge boxes of toys.

High street store Woolworths, in Fishergate, Preston, has been overwhelmed with sales of Electronic Weakest Link -- the game from the BBC gameshow hosted by Anne Robinson.

A spokesman for the store said: "This game is proving to be the most popular so far along with the Who Wants to be a Millionaire board game."

However, while it seems television has made some games popular many parents are stuck on buying the toys of yesteryear. Children's scooters and board games like Operation are all selling like hotcakes at Argos, Preston, and the town's TJ Hughes, in the Fishergate Centre.

"Pogo sticks and scooters are going really well," said David Davitt, manager of TJ Hughes' toy department. "Overall our toys are selling much better than last year."

"The Operation game has sold out and we must have sold at least 1,000 Interactive ET dogs in the past two weeks. This is by far our best seller.

"Despite the film being so popular, Harry Potter merchandise is not the best selling thing on our shelves."

The Interactive ET dog is also being hounded at Hydes, in Hough Lane, Leyland. "The Interactive ET dog and Interactive Robot which you can use with the Internet are selling really well," said manageress Debbie Harding.