HE is the biggest star of the year, a runaway success who has become a worldwide sensation with children and adults alike -- and one of the best lookalikes in Burnley is a girl!

Harry Potter, the boy magician creation of author JK Rowling, has cast a spell on the nation. Four successful books have been followed by a film that topped the ratings charts.

Children everywhere have been trying to emulate their hero and at Asda in Burnley this week, two local children were picked out as Harry Potter doubles.

Since the film was released, staff at the store have organised a series of events that have capitalised on the children's love of the wonderful wizard.

Organised by the events coordinator at the store, Gillian Lingard, the competition was a spellbinding success. Gillian said: "Every child I know loves Harry Potter, it's been the biggest thing for years. The books and films have been a runaway success. We asked parents to bring in any lookalikes and we gave the winners a treat."

The winners were treated to an electric Harry Potter toothbrush each and a set of Harry Potter collectors coins.

One of the lucky winners was Siobhan Snaith, nine, of Wood Street Brierfield. Since reading the books, the Reedley County Primary School pupil has been spellbound. Her mother, Julie Woodhouse said: "She is a big fan -- a really big fan. "She has read all four books two or three times and we are now decorating her bedroom in Harry Potter stuff."

The family have not been to see the film yet, but will be doing so in the new year. "We have only seen clips, but what we have seen we like. We are all looking forward to going."

Siobhan is not the only Harry Potter fan in the family. Julie has read the books as well and recommends them to anyone. "Once you get into them you get hooked," she added. Siobhan said: "I started reading the books and now I'm hooked. I like all the gory bits. I like him because he is a wizard and he puts spells on people."

So, if Siobhan had the same powers as Harry, what would she do? "I'd cast a spell that tidied my room for me."

That seemed to strike a chord with her mum, who said: "I think I'd cast the same spell."

The other winner in the competition was David Lingard, seven, who is Gillian Lingard's son. Gillian said: "I know people will think the only reason he won it is because he's my son, but he is a really big fan."