BURY Council's housing department has combined with five housing associations to offer a £300 reward for a project or plan which could bring about a neighbourhood improvement.

Tenants and residents groups, neighbourhood watch schemes, schools, youth clubs, or even individuals with backing from those in their area have the chance to enter and win the reward.

Application forms are available and those submitted before Friday, February 1, will have their idea turned into a video. Films will then be screened at the annual meeting of the Bury Housing Forum, which is due to take place on February 28 at Radcliffe Civic Hall, when an overall winner will be announced.

Bury Housing Forum chairman Violet Barnard said: "This is a chance for local groups to tackle that project that they have always talked about but somehow it has never got done. It might be to clear an overgrown footpath, improve lighting or security, instigate a youth-related initiative, help local wildlife or just set out to improve the look of their neighbourhood." Application forms can be obtained by phoning 0161-253-5551.