SCHOOL MESSAGE: St Stephen's is a Church of England school with many strengths, Ofsted inspectors reported recently.

There is a strong sense of direction in the school.

In national assessments for 2000 it was found that the many pupils who have English as an additional language and begin school with well-below average attainments had performed very well.

There is an excellent degree of respect for individuals, values and beliefs which help significantly to make the school a happy and harmonious place.

The inspectors said the school gives good value for money.

HOW MANY PUPILS? St Stephen's has 257 pupils on roll, which is about the national average size for primaries.

It caters for boys and girls between the ages of seven and 11, and nearly two-thirds of pupils have English as a second language.

WHERE DO THEY COME FROM? About 40 per cent of pupils are from an Indian background, 24 per cent are from Pakistani backgrounds and five per cent from Bangladesh.

Most pupils come from homes where there is a significant economic disadvantage.

WHAT ABOUT THE PARENTS? Parents are very supportive of the school and are fully involved in the education of their children.

Parents say they like the fact that the school has high expectations of its pupils and provides a warm and caring atmosphere in which pupils of different faiths and cultures are welcomed and respected.

WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A £100,000 WINDFALL? Update the school and provide new equipment to make the school the best it can be.