IF I fall flat on my face on a mud pitch it's funny. Likewise if I try a trick with the ball and end up on my backside.

If an errant shot strikes me in the er -- lower abdomen we all have a chortle. However, if some thug masquerading as a footballer thumps me, it's deadly serious.

Why? Because if it doesn't stop there will soon be no more parks football. Referees are leaving the game faster than we can recruit and the spectre of assault is cited as the main reason. We all have an urgent duty to rid the game of this scrum who often attack from behind or when the ref is writing a name in his book. Real men eh?

So what are you doing about it? Yes you. Players should wise up to the seriousness of the issue.

If a team mate or opponent assaults me or my mates why aren't you coming forward as witnesses? Similarly secretaries who immediately pledge offenders will not pull on the shirt again then dutifully follow their thugs like lapdogs to the local FA and have the gall to act as character witnesses. Hypocrites.

And then there's spectators, officials, and people in a professional capacity such as medics and reporters.

En masse they adopt Arsene Wenger-like myopia and turn very conveniently, the other way. You all make me sick.

Sick because the ref who is ALWAYS innocent and blameless is left to fend for himself. You wouldn't treat a dog like that.

Yes I'm bloody angry but don't say I haven't warned you. Since I started this job half a dozen of my mates have been thumped in this small corner of the county.

Don't you understand it can't continue. If we all don't stand up and be counted its no refs, no games. No matter .......?

See you in Tesco next Saturday afternoon guys.