JUST 15p could save the life of an elderly or vulnerable person in the Fylde.

That's how much it costs to produce a single DataLink container that can save precious minutes for Paramedics and emergency services called to the home of an unconscious or distressed person.

A person's details are stored in a clearly-labelled plastic container which is kept in their household fridge and marked with a green cross -- the DataLink logo. Matching stickers are then placed on the front door and on the front of the fridge to alert visitors to the container.

Data Link not only identifies the person, but also advises of any relevant illnesses, allergies, recent prescriptions and contact addresses. Sgt Peter Wann, of the Community Safety Team, said: "The DataLink containers are a three-inch tall pill bottle with a snap-on lid. They are put in the fridge because everybody has one in their house these days.

"The containers were first distributed by Neighbourhood Watch, doctors' surgeries and Age Concern last year and went down so well that the second batch are going out now.

"By seeing the DataLink logo displayed on the front door, emergency services will immediately know the person's details can be found in their fridge.

"They are free of charge to anyone who is vulnerable or elderly and living alone and are a new way of targeting them. And they save a lot of time for the emergency services." Andrew Stones of Age Concern is also the secretary of Lancashire Neighbourhood Watch who organised the DataLink project. He said: "We have already had two success stories in Lancashire where two elderly people's lives were saved thanks to DataLink. It gives the old and vulnerable a real sense of security and if anyone wants one we still have a few left.

"We initially produced 5,000 last year but they have been so popular we will be producing more.

"They only cost 15p to produce. The main cost is in distributing them and we have had a lot of generous funding from Blackpool Primary Care Group and North West Lancashire Health Authority, among others."

The press and publicity officer of the Western Division of Neighbourhood Watch, which covers the entire area from Anchorsholme to Lytham, said: "DataLink has been a Godsend and we hope that we can secure even more funding for such a worthwhile idea that saves lives."

Call Age Concern on (01253) 751747 or Neighbourhood Watch on (01253) 607242 for a container or more information.

InTouch of Lytham, who were featured in The Citizen and produce security systems at £365 for the elderly, would like to point out that those who vitally need them can have the system free of charge. The scheme is funded by the Home Office and is run through a referral system from doctors, Neighbourhood Watch scheme, the police and Social Services etc. For further information call (01253) 732123.