A SCHOOLGIRL described as "lucky to be alive" after she fell under a bus was back home with her family this weekend after spending almost a week in hospital.

Jackie Gregson, nine, of School Street, suffered bleeding in the lungs, an eye injury and multiple bruising when she was involved in the road accident in Manchester Road, Nelson, last Monday.

She was taken to Burnley General Hospital before being transferred to Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, in Pendlbury.

But after spending two days back in Burnley General she was allowed to go home on Saturday.

Her stepfather Craig Fuller said: "She is at home recovering now.

"The blood in her eyes is still there and her arm's very sore but the main problem now is she's bored.

"We can't do enough for her.

"She didn't like being stuck in hospital for a week with nothing to do."

Mum Margaret Fuller and the emergency services said after the accident that Jackie was "unbelievably lucky" to be alive.

The Lomeshaye Primary School pupil was on her way to a newsagent's close to her home with her 13-year-old sister Zoe when she tripped or fell from the kerb into the path of a single-decker bus.

Police said she became trapped close to the vehicle's rear wheels and had to be freed by firefighters. Mrs Fuller said: "She was in Burnley General for two days where they were just keeping an eye on her.

"She has to go back to the hospital next Monday to have her arm looked at because the muscles have been squashed.

"It's very painful for her.

"She's also having nightmares about the accident now but she's glad to be home.

"We just have to wait for the outcome of the inquiries now to see what happened."

Her mum said Jackie is expected to be off school for another few weeks yet.

Inquiries in to how the incident occured are continuing.