FIFTY mini recycling centres could be set up across the borough to collect materials such as glass, paper and cans.

Town hall bosses hope this will build on the success of the kerbside waste paper collection scheme, and help to meet Government targets on recycling.

Councillor Julie Higson, executive member for the environment, said: "Landfill sites that have traditionally taken most of our waste are rapidly filling up.

"The choice now is to find even more sites, a move which, as over Fletcher Bank Quarry in Ramsbottom, can lead to controversy, or encourage everyone to recycle.

"We live in a throwaway society, but that cannot go on forever. The introduction of mini recycling centres, and we have come up with as many as 80 potential sites, have got to be the way forward.

"However, for them to succeed we need the support of the public, initially to have them located and then to ensure they are well used."

The plans will be discussed at upcoming meetings of the borough's six area boards.

Coun Higson said that Greater Manchester Waste will pay the start-up costs, and the council's share of the profits will be re-invested in further recycling schemes.

"There are many benefits from introducing a scheme like this.

"They range from easing the burden on our waste collection teams and a reduction of material going to landfill, to reducing carbon dioxide or other emissions from such sites and creating a real example of sustainable development."