DUE to the inclement weather there has been no activity in the none league scene.

So this week there is no other subject to talk about than Rovers' big game next Sunday, in Steve Tinniswood's home town.

But first, following on from my last column about referees, last week's reverberations about Mr Poll strengthens the point that all new referees should be picked from ex-players who are ending their careers possibly in the Nationwide leagues.

There should be a larger financial carrot for ex-players to turn to professional refereeing. That's the only way forward, and the game would benefit greatly.

Now next Sunday marks a red letter day in all Rovers fans' calendar. Over the last ten or so years, us Rovers fans have experienced lots of highs and one low, but next Sunday is a special day in my generation of watching the Super Blues. A major cup final 42 years in the coming.

The Worthington Cup Final is a brilliant achievement, it shouild be a very good spectacle for television. Hopefully, Rovers will win it but most importantly for Rovers fans, it is a chance to sample the unique atmosphere of a major final. So let's raise the roof at Cardiff and roar Rovers home.