FEW things worry parents of primary school children more than the risk of them having an accident on the way to school.

The simple but real danger of their son or daughter being knocked down while dashing across the road to the playground is every mum and dad's nightmare.

Many parents make traffic congestion even worse by driving their youngsters to school and clogging up further roads already busy with people on their way to work.

For these reasons a crossing warden or lollipop person is absolutely vital to ensure pupils make it safely the last few yards into the school playground.

Everyone can sympathise with the anger of parents whose children were left to cross busy Whitebirk Road to Intack Primary School without a lollipop man this week - a road where police surveys have shown nearly half of all drivers exceed the speed limit.

Headteacher David Crowther sent a letter to parents warning that there was likely to be no replacement for retired supervisor Stan Robertson for four weeks and telling them it was their responsibility to get their children safely across the road.

But the retired supervisor says he gave plenty of notice and even offered to stay on voluntarily.

Lancashire County Council is responsible for providing the wardens and says there are problems recruiting people to fill such vacancies.

They have vowed that this particular crossing will not be left unattended again.

But this situation should never have arisen at all. The job of crossing warden should be made appealing enough to attract recruits.

Who would object to paying for such a service?

The council might not be legally responsible but they certainly bear a moral responsibility for the safety of youngsters directly outside school.