LAST week' front-page headlines explained proposals for the Frontierland site.

Food halls and factory outlets we hear, bringing millions of pounds into town.

It is said that all these happy shoppers will spill over and create a ' halo-effect' enriching all the smaller retail shops.

This seems to ring a bell; I can remember when planning permission was in the pipeline for the Morison's superstore.

The powers that be came along with the 'Halo Effect', eight years down the road and I'm still waiting.

Fortunately for me and quite a few more of the established shops in the West End we have some smashing regular customers that have realised standing in check-out queues isn't for them.

Any money generated in this town by superstores is swiftly taken back out to fill shareholders' pockets etc.

Perhaps a 'Halo of Thorns' could be the answer placed over some politicians' heads where it might inject some common sense.

'Morecambe is the Seaside' Shopping complexes are ten-a-penny.

Dwell on the seaside, we have something nobody else has got.

Ray Edmondson

Edmondson' s


Yorkshire St
