I WHINGED about the difficulty in unwrapping Celebrations chocolates at Christmas.

This week I was stopped by a reader who pointed out that there are slits in the packaging which make them easy to open. Thanks for the advice, I'll remember to look if I'm lucky enough to get any more.

Other advice came regarding the road humps quandary I suffered while on a recent tour of the obstacle route around Leigh, Atherton and Tyldesley.

I didn't know whether it was better to drive straight over them, go though the middle or over with one wheel.

Bob, who is obviously well up in the workings of a vehicle, tells me the best way of coping with the bumps is to hit them straight on at around 25-30mph and I'll hardly notice they're there.

To get technical this is due to car suspension systems being designed to work best within a speed range determined by the expected use of the vehicle. For most road cars this is between 20-80mph. At lower speeds the suspension is stiff due to inertia in the spring-damper system and jars when driven over bumps, but is too soft for high speed cornering.

I see.

Well thanks, Bob, I'll try that next time I'm forced to drive along Holden Road - and hope I don't take off.