REGARDING the traffic flow around the bus station in Blackburn, why is it now necessary to have traffic lights in action at the end of Railway Road when this is now basically a T-junction?

Surely traffic would flow through it a lot easier and quicker if the lights were to be switched off.

Also, why the need for zebra crossings on the Boulevard? These should now be pelican crossings in order to give traffic a chance to get moving through the centre.

At present, traffic is snarled up because there is no proper control over the pedestrian flow across these areas: and traffic is constantly stopping to allow people to cross.

The Boulevard is now carrying the main traffic flow through Blackburn since the closure of Church Street and this is causing drivers to become agitated.

I am not excusing the action of one driver who got out of his car and assaulted a lady pedestrian (LET, March 4), but perhaps the way that some pedestrians 'saunter' over these crossings gives rise for the need for pelican crossings at these points in order to control both the pedestrian and the travelling public.

JIM GOLDEN, Lower Cross Street, Darwen.