ALTHAM residents have vowed to fight a decision to allow fairground rides to be housed on green belt land.

Last year members of the development services committee at Hyndburn Borough Council refused an application by two showride owners from Chorley to use land near to the Moorfield Industrial Estate, in Burnley Road, Altham, to house 18 rides during the winter months.

It was officially refused on the grounds that it contravened planning regulations surrounding the green belt but the applicants, Silcocks, lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate, which passed it on to the secretary of state.

A report into the appeal stated that councillors were right to claim the application would be of detriment to the green belt but the inspector stated that the planning application should be allowed because it was the only suitable site in East Lancashire for such a base.

And the Council was ordered to allow travelling showmen to park their rides on the green belt land in a bid to protect the tradition of travelling fairs.

But councillors were disappointed and claimed the impact on the nearby community would be massive.

They also claimed the nearby Leeds and Liverpool Canal could be polluted, the site could eventually become a dumping ground for old rides, it would blight green belt land and they feared rides would be tested on the site.

At the Altham Parish Council meeting last night more than 50 residents gathered to discuss the matter and find a way to reverse the decision.

Parish Council chairman Rennie Pinder said: "Residents are very concerned and I think this decision has now left the door wide open for other applications in the green belt which will put Hyndburn Council in an awkward position as this has set a precedent.

"We are seeking legal advice as we only have a fortnight left to apply for a judicial review so I will be speaking with the council solicitor today. But we realise this would be costly for the council and the solicitor has looked at the report and is happy that it has been looked at in a proper manner.

"We will keep fighting this to the eleventh hour and hope that we can bring this to a successful conclusion."