THE sad thing about the Socialist Party (SPGB) is that its members appear to be so concerned to express their contempt for just about everybody from every class of society in the existing system, that they fail to communicate properly what it is they are hoping for us all to achieve.

This became apparent from the replies to Neil Windle's rather offensive letter about Princess Margaret.

The expressed aims of the Socialist Party are for humanity to create a global economy which has far greater democracy and freedom than any society that exists today, a world in which all people's needs are met, all people have a say and in which money itself has become redundant.

There is no intention on the part of the SPGB to impose such a system on an unwilling population, rather a hope that eventually the vast majority of the world's population will agree that this is indeed the best way to live and set about creating such a society.

I would wish to live in such a world.

What do the rest of you think?

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