NEEDY children in the heart of Blackpool are to be given the right start in life, thanks to a new Government initiative.

A Sure Start centre is being set up in Talbot and Brunswick Ward to join the proposed Grange Park, Mereside/Clifton and Fleetwood Sure Start centres.

All will share a common aim of improving life opportunities for children who, without additional help, might have few chances of real achievement.

Primary care nurse manager for Blackpool North Jackie Robinson will oversee the Talbot and Brunswick project.

She said: "Talbot and Brunswick has a transient community -- three hostels for the homeless, plus many multiple-occupancy houses and single parent families -- but few community-based initiatives.

"Sure Start is all about listening to what members of the community want and need. It's about setting up the resources to strengthen families, such as child care, creches, health-care guidance and training courses. And it means empowering parents and grandparents to help run these themselves."

After the centre has been running for seven years, professionals such as health visitors and midwives withdraw from the site leaving local people to manage the centre.

"It isn't going to be easy, but it is possible," says Jackie.

A green play area will be incorporated into the Sure Start building plans and a midwife may be seconded to hold a drop-in clinic, particularly to assist pregnant teenagers.

And Jackie is looking into options for mothers to meet each other and perhaps do art or aromatherapy.

"Many never get out," she said. "They don't know how to access child care and that means a lack of stimulation both for them and their pre-school children."

A fun day will be held today (April 4) from noon to 3pm in St Thomas Church Hall, Devonshire Road, for all 0-4 year-olds and their families who live in the Talbot and Brunswick areas.