CHILD-CARE is expanding as couples increasingly both want to go out to work. Now, you can combine the two.

More than 80 people attended a child-care recruitment fair organised by Blackburn with Darwen Council's Early Years and Childcare Partnership. Its aim was to help people who are thinking of working in childcare to find out more about what it involves and how to go about finding training and employment.

The fair marked the launch of a recruitment campaign by the partnership which aims to provide 1,580 new child-care places by 2004 requiring an additional 333 people. As part of this campaign it is providing a free introductory course which is meant to be fun and informative. There are no tests -- but it is a nationally recognised achievement and people who attend will receive a certificate.

The course, Making Choices, runs over four weeks and takes 15 hours. Sessions are on Thursday evenings and Saturdays this Thursday . Anyone who wants to book a place, or receive more information should contact Kinderquest who are dealing with bookings on behalf of the Partnership. Ring Maureen or Andrea on 01933 446817.

Other campaign activities include the setting up of a recruitment pool which will fill child-care vacancies free of charge and find positions for people wanting to work with children.