GREAT Harwood police have vowed to help find a suitable site for a skatepark for the town's youngsters but stressed it would take time to do it properly.

Teenagers in the town have been lobbying the area council and local police for around 18 months to set up a properly equipped skatepark and a site is currently being looked into.

But police say there are rules and regulations which need to be followed to ensure the site is safe for those using it.

Also they want to ensure that the project does not place too much of an additional burden on council taxpayers..

PC Helen Jackson, of Great Harwood police, said: "What the children have to understand is that there are official roads we have to go down before we can actually go forward with these plans.

"There are issues of insurance and maintenance which are now being looked into by the council and these need to be sorted before we can look into fundraising and actual building work.

"It is important that what we achieve is a safe and fun place for the kids and if it is to be that, then the proper procedures will have to be followed. "

The current area being looked into as a possible site is on wasteland off St James Street, the former site of Western County School which is owned by the council.

Coun Winifred Frankland said: "It is brilliant that a facility of this sort has been suggested by the children themselves and negotiations are being held between regeneration bosses and police.

"Unfortunately the process will take some time to be finalised before the work can be carried out."