I HAVE been going out with this girl for two months now. I enjoy her company but whenever I am out and about she always makes a point of telling me that I am looking at other women.

I always tell her she is imagining things and she needs to stop being so possessive but I DO look because I can't help it.

I have spoken about this to my friends who all say it is normal to look and there would be something wrong with us if we didn't.

It doesn't stop there though. Whilst I was with my past three girlfriends I picked up the next one and two-timed for a while before dumping one for the other.

Do I have a problem like my current girlfriend says it is or is it normal?

Big G


Massi says,

Let me take a deep breath first because I'm surprised you wanted me to answer your question.

How would you like it if your girlfriend was ogling every guy that walked past? I bet you wouldn't feel so big then would you?

Most guys would admit to looking at the opposite sex but to do it and be proud of it whilst your girlfriend is next to you is another matter. Obviously she's going to be annoyed and she's not being possessive. She might as well buy a pet dog and walk around with it, at least it wouldn't cause her so much embarrassment.

As far as your two-timing goes remember what goes around comes around.