THE article "Council re-think on crematorium" (March 29) must have left quite a few people feeling smug.

The people of Bury, and the majority of councillors on the planning control committee, are quite happy to see Bury's crematorium built at Radcliffe Cemetery because it won't be in their back yard.

I was appalled at comments made by one or two councillors when the extension to the outline permission was granted. "Death is a fact of life". Really? Just as long as it is not pushed down your throat every day of the week. It is all too easy to make such comments when you are not likely to live next door to it.

I must praise our local councillors, Denise Bigg, Barry Briggs and Tim Chamberlain, for seeing sense and objecting to these plans. Funny, isn't it, that virtually all other councillors on planning have now voted in favour.

Remember, only two months ago the planning committee refused permission. They were, I am sure, mindful of their site visit last September when they saw for themselves the problems associated with this location and refused permission. That made two refusals in four months.

The committee have subsequently crumbled under threat of the crematorium company demanding an inquiry and the possible financial penalties. This is absolute "bully boy" tactics. It is not satisfactory and it is obvious that councillors have allowed this threat to cloud their judgment.

I objected to this extension because planning law has failed us. This application should have been referred to regional planning officers from the outset. Bury Metro have a financial interest in this scheme as landlord. Effectively, Bury gave themselves planning permission then offered the land for lease complete with planning permission. This was disgraceful.

In addition Green Belt issues were not properly addressed as I am convinced that there are other sites more suitable. I know of one readily available for purchase, but Bury Metro do not want to put their hand in their pocket.

All this leaves a very bad taste. If these plans are robust enough they would have stood up to the scrutiny of applying again for outline permission. An injustice has been done. Our own planning committee has failed us. Residents will scrutinise very carefully the reserved matters.


Greenbank Road, Radcliffe.