MANY residents on Sefton Farm at Clayton-le-Moors are very concerned about the Secretary of State for the Environment's decision to approve the location and construction of Showmen's permanent quarters on Burnley Road, Altham (LET, March 13). It is all the more disappointing that Hyndburn's MP, Greg Pope, did not respond to an invitation to meet us at the local parish council.

The conduct of this case has been a revealing commentary on the powerlessness of local people to influence decisions which have a direct impact on their quality of life.

No wonder election turn-out is so low.

The cited location was opposed by Hyndburn Council, yet its recommendation was dismissed.

What adds insult to injury is the failure of our MP to at least come and listen to our worries.

Mr Pope is either too busy trying to shin up the greasy pole at Westminster or very complacent about his general election majority.

Either way, he would be well advised to put his ear to the ground -- and fast -- and get back in touch with his constituents.

S C PRESTON, Hawthorn Gardens, Sefton Farm, Clayton-le-Moors.