DURING a heated row with her partner a woman twice plunged a large carving knife into his chest, a court was told.

Julie Longworth, aged 32, then boasted to neighbours: "I've stabbed him properly this time -- it's stuck in his chest."

Manchester Crown Court heard that the defendant was hysterical as the victim crawled out of the couple's Leigh flat shouting for help.

Longworth admitted wounding with intent and was jailed for three years and nine months.

Her plea of not guilty to attempted murder was accepted by the Crown and Mr Justice Jackson told her: "You had been drinking heavily, but that cannot excuse this very serious offence."

Prosecutor Alaric Bassano said Longworth lived with Alan Harvey in Strange Street, Leigh. They had had a four-year relationship.

One night last October they were drinking and in an argument she threatened to harm herself with a carving knife with a 21cm long blade.

Mr Harvey dissuaded her and the knife was left lying on the TV set in the living room.

The next day both drank large amounts of cider and in the evening both were drunk. A row became heated and Mr Harvey was stabbed.

The victim was taken to Wigan Infirmary. He had two chest wounds and one had penetrated his lung.

Barry Grennan, defending, said the couple had been drinking excessively and Longworth accepted there was no justification for the attack.

It was an impulsive act which she regretted, but her six months in custody on remand had not been wasted. She was no longer reliant on alcohol and was leaving the Leigh area and her partner for a new start.