A COUNCIL boss today warned that thieves were ruining Burnley's parks.

In the latest incident 22 flag stones worth £1,500 were stolen from the war memorial at Towneley Hall between 5pm on Sunday and 7.30am yesterday.

Burnley Council parks development manager Robin Gray said it was the latest in a number of thefts from Burnley parks over the last two years, including the theft of ornamental benches in Padiham and various other historic features.

Mr Gray added: "We are aware of the problem of theft from parks. It means the quality of our parks tends to deteriorate. The theft of these stones is a pretty despicable thing to do.

"Unfortunately we have to replace with cheaper materials like concrete and tarmac rather than flag stones ."

Detective Sergeant Steve Mounsey said: "The thieves had loosened the stones round the edges then thrown them on to the grass area."

Towneley Hall curator Susan Bourne said: "I think it's sad that people would pinch these flags from a war memorial. It's unbelievable that people would do this sort of thing."