A YOUTH smashed a hospital glass partition after being told he would have to wait four hours to see a doctor.

Burnley Magistrates heard how Gary Murray, 20, slung a chair and it partly went through the screen behind which a receptionist was sitting.

The woman, working at night in the casualty department at Burnley General Hospital, was left shocked and shaken by the incident -- but Murray then strolled out of the department.

Murray, of Olympia Street, Burnley, admitted criminal damage to the tune of £208.75 and was fined £200, with £208 compensation and £55 costs. He was told by the bench the victim had been a public servant working in the middle of the night.

Tom Snape, prosecuting, said the receptionist was protected by two pieces of security glass between herself and members of the public.

The defendant approached her after he had been waiting an hour. He had seen a nurse who had put his arm in a sling and he asked the receptionist how long it would be before he saw a doctor.

The woman told him another four hours and Murray walked away from the counter. The next thing the receptionist knew, the defendant slung a chair up in the air.

The chair flew towards the counter which she was sitting behind. The glass smashed and the chair went partly through the screen.

Richard Taylor, defending, said Murray, who had no previous convictions, was extremely sorry for what happened and was willing to pay compensation.

The offence had "quite significant psychological undertones," because of several tragedies. Something went wrong within Murray's head, he had been drinking and he lost all reason.