FEATHERS flew at a nature reserve when a pensioner and her alsatian crossed paths with a widower and his two dogs, a court as told.

Burnley Magistrates heard 65-year-old Teresa Holland became upset when one of Stephen Riley's dogs dashed into the lodge and attacked a duck.

When she protested to Riley he threatened to "spade" her pet Elsa and throw it in the water.

The alsatian and the defendant's other dog had a "stand off."

Riley, 42, of Lowerhouse Lane, Burnley, whose wife recently died and who is nursing his cancer stricken mother, admitted threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour and was given a six months conditional discharge.

Tom Snape, prosecuting, said Mrs Holland was walking her dog and went to Lowerhouse Lodge, Burnley, to feed the ducks.

The alsatian was standing behind her.

She then saw a spaniel running past her and into the water to grab one of the ducks.

She became aware of a commotion and could see Elsa and a black labrador were growling at each other.

Mrs Holland was upset, said something to Riley about the spaniel but he said ; "Never mind that, what about your dog going for my dog."

He added if the alsatian did it again, he would take a spade to it and throw it in the water. Police later spoke to Riley.

Dylan Bradshaw, defending, said Riley's life was very difficult at the moment.

He was coping with grief and looking after his mother. Taking his dogs for a walk was a release.

All the ducks managed to escape when his dog went into the lodge, although feathers were flying.

The alsatian went for the defendant's labrador and there was a stand off between the two animals.

Mr Bradshaw said Mrs Holland, who might be 65 and retired but was more than able to stand up for herself, waved some feathers she was clutching at him and said she would report Riley and his smaller dog for frightening the birds.