A CHARITY is pleading for volunteers to help it take massive new steps for local blind people.

The Friends of Accrington Blind Society will tackling an arduous trek across Morecambe Bay on May 6 to raise much-needed funds. And they are looking for volunteers to join them on the Bank Holiday marathon.

Secretary Marion Clark said: "We have to raise our own money and we want to be able to improve the services we offer to blind people. So we would be grateful for all we can get.

"We're also inviting anyone who wants to help the society but who is unable to do the walk to sponsor one of our walkers.

"The money which we raise will go towards enabling the society to support local blind people and their carers by developing and improving what we can offer them."

The society's headquarters in Bank Street need refurbishment and members are also keen to provide more equipment in the resource centre there. The HQ also houses Hyndburn's talking newspaper.

"We have put in a lottery bid for a new building, but in the meantime the one we are in is a bit dilapidated," Marion said.

Anyone who is interested in joining the sponsored walk can contact the blind society's office -- 32 Bank Street, Accrington, telephone 01254 233332 -- to register for free transport from Accrington to Morecambe Bay and to pick up their sponsor forms.

The walk will be led by the legendary Cedric Robinson, who is celebrating his 40th year as the Queen's Guide to the Sands.

He conducts thousands of walkers across the treacherous mudflats and gullies of the bay every summer.