A MAN had his jaw smashed as he was kicked unconscious by a gang, a court heard.

Brian Bramley had confronted the youths outside home after he feared his family, car, property or all three would be attacked.

He was then set upon and kicked and a Staffordshire bull terrier was encouraged to sink its teeth into him, Burnley Crown Court was told.

In the dock are Jason McConnel, 19, of Hannah Street, and Samantha Kay, 21, of Willow Street, both Accrington.

They both deny causing grievous bodily harm with intent in February last year.

Jeff Clarke, prosecuting, said Mr Bramley had been to a workingmen's club and was making his way home. The defendants were part of a large group which set about him.

He was abused, there was a verbal exchange and when he arrived at his home in Elizabeth Street, Accrington, he took the view he was in danger.

Mr Bramley went to arm himself because he thought his family, car, property, or all three would be attacked.

He decided to confront the gang outside his property.

The alleged victim was then kicked unconscious and suffered facial injuries, including a broken jaw.

McConnell, who had been seen by a witness to have blood on his boots and trousers, was arrested a few days later.

He accepted he had been in a house on the street but said he did not go outside and played no part in the attack.

Mr Clarke said Kay was spotted kicking Mr Bramley in the head when he was nearly unconscious.

She was later arrested and in interview said she had been pretending to kick Mr Bramley because she thought friends were watching.

The prosecutor said if a person used feet as a weapon to kick a man when he was unconscious on the ground, the intention must be to cause him really serious injury.

He added the alleged victim may have been foolish and unwise to go out but nobody deserved a kicking.
