A TEENAGER who attacked a schoolboy in a bullying incident, has escaped custody after a judge said the public would be benefited if he was given help.

A court heard how Brian Clinning, 19, had had difficulties in his life and was functioning at a similar age as his 12 year old victim.

Sentencing the defendant, Judge Raymond Bennett said Clinning did not look his age, probably would face more problems in the year ahead and would no doubt be picked on in detention.

He added the victim was probably terrified out of his life by what the defendant did, but he hoped the complainant and his parents would understand the sentence he was passing was in the best interests of the public as well as Clinning's interests.

Clinning, of Frederick Street, Accrington, had earlier admitted assault causing actual bodily harm.

He was given a three year community rehabilitation order and must live at Highfield House Probation Hostel, Lydia Street, Accrington.

John Woodward , defending at Burnley Crown Court, said Clinning had been one of six adults living in a one bedroomed flat and was under stress. He felt he was about to explode and couldn't stand that environment.

Clinning had now been living for a month at the probation hostel and had his own room and space which he had never had before.

Clinning had had educational assessment which had put him at age 13, six years younger than he actually was.

Mr Woodward said the defendant was crying out for some sort of structure and guidance.

He was lacking in confidence, that was a problem which could be addressed and the probation service felt he was in need of a long term programme.

The offence was committed against a victim with arguably the same mental age as him as the defendant. He occasionally took solace in alcohol which maybe inhibited his thinking and approach to problems on a day to day basis.

Mr Woodward said the public would take great comfort from the fact some real progress was being made.